Monday, June 29, 2020

"Bad Apples" #DressLikeJavaris

Have you seen the thread of Police brutality at the protest against police brutality? It's at 678 posts. It's not just one bad apple, it's just too many to count. 

You haven't seen me out cause I live in my workplace. Nah, really. I kinda do. We have been putting in the work for change. I can only hope that you do too. This not over till it's over and it's not over till we pressure the change to come. You can't make it to the streets? That's okay, sign something, sign often, let me get you started: Click here

 I have been creating lately and it's from the heart. Can't you tell?

Listen, this is something I want to hear from y'all about. Do you want us to sell these or Nah?
I have no plans of making ones outside of this one. I just can't. I'm not big on the words and pictures and all that. I like it black and simple. Matches it all and never a problem.

I fell like I'm on some special ninja shit when wearing it.

Khaki Jersey Shorts

This Georgia summer is always quick to say hello and slow to say goodbye. I think I have something to say no matter the weather so let me chill. I went with the green for this one to give it that pop that I always want to add with looks. Not too much pop cause you need to look at the shirt but enough that it's not just repetitive with the black.

Push the socks down till they make jelly rolls. I hope that made you "LOL" but really. Push the socks down till they look like Jabba the Hutt neck. I attached the link in case you, like me, have never seen Star Warz. I kid, I kid. Wars*

God bless the people that make running shoes. I haven't looked at basketball ones since. 

That's what I'm wearing today. How about you? 

What are you wearing today? Let me know on  Twitter / Instagram 


   If you like this one, be sure to check out other "Dress Like Javaris".

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