Monday, July 30, 2018

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Friday, July 27, 2018

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  Soundcloud l Apple Podcast l Google Play l  Audio Mack l Stitcher | ACast | Direct Download     This week on The Awkward Minority: Jesus Shuttlesworth & Lady Godiva speak on Their love for Demi, Is rock dying?, Travel life, None of yo friends business, R.Kelly still trash, ROTC might not be for me (Awkward Mail),...
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I want to start this out by saying that this on Fat Kid Deals. That's where I saw this. Make sure you follow so you can keep up with the deals. They stay with so many things I must have. Ask my bank account.   (Sidenote: I'm using y'all link (click here to buy), no commish stealing over here)  Anyways, who else when they were younger...

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

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Be real, when you clicked this, you thought you were about to be seeing the famous "The Starry Night" by Van Gogh in the variations of everything possible. You think that little of us? Or you think that's the one painting that Van Gogh got? I'm just joking with you. Everybody loves it. Clearly. Lucky for you. We put more respect on his name.  Get...

Sunday, July 22, 2018

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  Soundcloud l Apple Podcast l Google Play l  Audio Mack l Stitcher | ACast | Direct Download  This week on The Awkward Minority: Jesus Shuttlesworth & Lady Godiva speak on The 6IX, Dancing thugs, Iggy and Tyga got a hit with 'Kream', The lotto is a trick, The fight that made a boy leave town, This cop called you what? and much...

Thursday, July 19, 2018

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   Follow me on Instagram/ Twitter I was wearing this look the other day. It's nothing too outta this world but the combo is pretty funny. It gives off this vibe like I own a yacht.  A really nice one. With dock boys and stuff. That's even a thing (name)? Whatever it's called, when I wear this, it looks like I got that.  It also...

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

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   Roger: How many more galileos do you want? (About to throw temper tantrum)  Freddie: (lazily) Roger, there’s only room in this band for one hysterical Queen.  Bohemian Rhapsody is a foot-stomping celebration of Queen, their music and their extraordinary lead singer Freddie Mercury. Freddie defied stereotypes and shattered...
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Tuesday, July 17, 2018

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  Soundcloud l Apple Podcast l Google Play l  Audio Mack l Stitcher | ACast | Direct Download      This week on The Awkward Minority: Jesus Shuttlesworth & Lady Godiva speak on Serena Williams greatness, winning big in Texas, Scamming for the PS2, maybe it was crack, be kind to everybody, fearful of death (Awkward...

Monday, July 16, 2018

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Saturday, July 14, 2018

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I made this one a year ago. It was after Hugh died. I was just going thru old photos (not like that) and got inspired. Took me about ten minutes to put the core of the drawing together. I didn't like anything that I came up with after the fact so I sat on it. Till last night, actually. I finally pieced something together I liked. Enjoy. Links for...

Friday, July 13, 2018

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I will say it. Lil Kim is underrated. Stop sleeping on the Queen. Enjoy this She Facts from She God Mc. Also follow She God Mc....

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