Friday, May 5, 2017

Baywatch #DressLikeJavaris

Miss Jackson if you're nasty.  This is one of my favorite Sanquon ads.  

Anyways, they say you never know what you truly doing if you do it all the time. That being said, I wear so many white and black shirts. It's the sneakers I wear that get the color. I never noticed that till I was looking in my cart on Sanquon. It was a sea of black shirts. The million man march right in the cart. Why don't I wear other colors? Am I too old for the favor now? Maybe I just don't feel the need. Well, let's feel the need today. Put some color on that chicken. 

I don't know what that means. It just sounds good. 

 My favorite color is blue. Royal blue, actually. You wouldn't be able to guess this from my design samples. They all start in red. Been doing it for years and no reason as to why.  Good thing I'm not a crip. I would need a lot of band-aids.

When I was designing this shirt, just to give some background.  I played off the lifeguard feel.  Look closely, she saving the women life. 

Have I mentioned how much I LOVE my H&M pants? Cause I do. I do, I do, I do, do.  Love them so much that I went back and graded all the colors that they had. I had to. It's few and far in between that you find pants that are perfect as a short man. So yeah, I'm wearing them with this look. 

 Some little black with the silver skulls, to show I'm about that life, of being a lover of skulls. 

 Two fingers in the air. The two fingers from the haters that's mad that I will be flexing in the triple blacks. Yikes. This is so sexy. I live for the color blocking but this is really color blocking. I was going to go with the adidas tubular's, this harder. Gives off that "Swag like a ball player" feel. Maybe cause I have the swag like a ball player? 

Shirt: "Obey" by Sanquon 
Pants & Bracelets: H&M
Sneakers: Footlocker 

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