Since Prince passing, we have been thinking about all the amazing things he have done. Our latest Podcast episode was all about the purple one. In the misty of all this. I got to thinking about Morris Day and the Time. We really don't love this man enough. He the fucking man. I mean how can you not sing when "Gigolos Get Lonely Too" comes on.
My Granddaddy used to play this so much in the car that I started to think he was trying to tell me he used to be a Gigolo. Well, he did live in Atlantic City at one point and time.
I really need to call him and ask about that.Anyways, if you know anything about Morris Day. Than you know that he is really loud with the clothes. Louder the better. This some 80's black people shit. Darryl Dawkins was the same way, may he rest in peace. As much as loud is never been and never will be my style. I do come around to some of the stuff. Like the suit that's in the "What Time It Is?" cover, I really want that suit jacket. Not that one, cause you know it's old and used but one like it.
I searched around Topman and couldn't find it, which is shockingly surprising. Anyways, I put together the best to the closest I can get to the style, they way I would wear it.
Green Leopard Print Long Sleeve Dress Shirt
The women in South Jersey are yelling at the cpu. They need this and they need this right now. For all the furniture in their house. They really love some Leopard print in the Jersey Shore. With this shirt you can be loud while not being the type of loud that gets people taking pictures for all the wrong reasons.
It's always a good time to go with the more laid back style when it comes to the pants with the wild loud as shirt. This helps in the not looking crazy. You not a Mississippi Pimp and you shall not dress as such.
Let's go ahead and end this look with some really clean shoes. Sneakers would be too much on the looks too much in between dressed up and chill. I never really been the biggest of a fan of sneakers with dress pants. Today also won't be one of them days.
All the looks above can be found at Topman. Click the banner below to buy.