Thursday, November 5, 2015

Big Rings: All Star Sparklers (ep.4) #2K16

Man Down (ep.3)

We would like to give a big congratulation to our two All-Stars.

Now that the All-Star break is over. It's time to make that playoff push.  The All-Star game was one great tune up for Kevin Durant  As he scored 28 and looked like he haven't missed one step. Taking on the greatest in the world. He also started. As voted in by the fans. Even after being hurt for most of the first half of the season. Gotta love the fans. 

Derrick Rose got in by the higher honor. Voted in my the coaches, It's nice to see that people see the work that he has put in while being the leader of the team with KD out. He scored 13 and added 6 dimes on the night. 

 D'Angelo is one star that didn't see raising so fast.  He played pretty well. We need to keep our eyes on him when his free agency is available. Young with talent. When be a great addition to the team as most of our players age. 

 When we started the season I didn't even see us losing more then 20 games in the season. We lost 30 and as of today we have made the playoffs. I'm not happy with the seeding but given the fact that we lost our star player early is actually pretty good. Losing only 5 games in the second half of the season. 

It really doesn't matter how you get in. It's what you do when you get there, Tickets go on sale Monday. Let's pack the house. 

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