Friday, October 23, 2015

My Favorite Things: Candy Corn

This reminds me of two things. One. I need to go buy some candy for the trick or treats. Two, where do I find this and I need some candy corn. That's kinda three right? Candy corn makes me lose count. I love candy corn. I need to stock up for the winter and summer. Forget that. 365. Candy corn for everybody. 

Candy corn was created in the 1880s by George Renninger of the Philadelphia, PA-based Wunderle Candy Company. The Goelitz Confectionery Company began production at the turn of the century, and called the product "Chicken Feed." In 2001 the company was renamed the "Jelly Belly Candy Company."

The National Confectioners Association estimates that 90 billion pounds (just over 40.86 million metric tons) of candy corn are sold annually.

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