Back for a limited time. Sanquon 'Roman Zolanski'. Gold fangs dripping in blood looking for his next victim. Back into his cage after Halloween, so buy early.
2011: "Stop it, stop it! You’ve gone mad, mad, I tell you, mad! You and this boy Slim Shady! What’s goin’ on? They’ll lock you away! They’ll put you in a jail cell! I promise! Take your mother’s warning, Roman Pleaaaaaaase Back to bed! Run along! Let’s go! Come on! Wash your mouth out with soap, boys"
Roman Zolanski takes over Sanquon's recent design for the "Lost Files" series. "Roman Reloaded" finds Roman Zolanski gold fangs dripping in blood looking for Kim. No wait, he's not looking for Kim. Okay fuck it he's out for Kim. Maybe you ?. Who knows, Romans crazy I heard. I thought his mom told him to go to bed ? This shirt is available now. Only in Sanquon online store.