Thursday, May 8, 2014

Play With Your Cereal Like Sarah Rosado

  You know, my Momma always told me to not play with my food. Good thing Sarah is not my mothers child. She would be pissed. Not only do Sarah play with her food, she turns it into art. Talk about creative. 

I first met Sarah via an email in 2009. Back in the highest days of My Swag Mag. I forget what the email said, but I do remember that the artwork stood out to me. It was edgy and when she told me that it was all done in MS Paint. I was blown away. I can't even open that program without quickly wanting to hit the exit button.

As I started writing this post I went back and read thru the interview. (Can be found here).
I'm still mad that she didn't pick Wall-E to win in a fight with Bugs bunny. I feel that Wall-E would find it in his heart to win. Drop some metal down on ole Bugs. (Laugh)

 In that interview, she say that being feature on my site (My Swag Mag) was her big break.I don't feel as so. I would like to think about it as just showing the world the art. Having the talent is all on Sarah. That's exactly what she have done. Being featured on every blog from here to east of the Mississippi river.  Sarah have got her artwork out the world. Even landing in Complex Magazine

I'm truly proud. Even tho, she never drew me my rat spraying a wall lmao. I remember too much strange things.

Sarah Art (Buy some prints)
Sarah IG (Follow the art work)

Then bookmark her website.

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