Thursday, June 27, 2013

Happy Birthday Lara!

Dear Sister of Mine,
This time 18 years ago.... Dad, Mom, Maae, and I were anxious to meet you. I remember it like it was yesterday. Maae and I were too young to be at the hospital, so we stayed up all night with Khalto Rana taking guesses at how beautiful you would be.

Seeing you for the first time made my heart full of joy. From that day I knew I would look forward to waking up to your big, grayish-toned colored eyes and that big smile I love so much. 
I have to say...through out all of the ups and downs, fighting and screaming, the laughs and cries...these 18 years have definitely molded you into a mature young lady with a lot of love to give. 

I'm thankful for you. You being my sister is sweet and even sweeter that you're JJ's aunt too. Happy Birthday baby girl! 
Sister of mine, I LOVE YOU UNCONDITIONALLY! So proud of you! Have a great day!-Ghadir Said

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