Monday, July 25, 2011

Road To 200(Win Free Sanquon Shirts)

They say a wise man admits when he's wrong. Well I'm not wrong about anything just thought that was a good way to start off. I will say that the Sanquon Fan page on FB is really not up to par. When the last time I made a post ? Oh just yesterday ? Still it's not up to par. I mean what else reason would it be that we only have 103 fans. Are we not cool enough ? Thanks to the 103 fans we have on there. *Hi Five*. Anyway that brings me to this post. Road to 200. When we get to 200 fans on Facebook we will be giving five fans(at random) 5 shirts each. Of your chioce. You wanna win ? Well like our facebook and tell a friend to tell a friend that it time to go. Damn Drake why you on this post lol. Our facebook like button is on the right bar of the blog and also FB big Icon at the top.

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