Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I Mean You Like Gucci ?

You ever get the feeling that you are on to  something ? Like if you can just get this one idea out to the world it's going to blow? Well I don't feel that way.I mean I'm about to bring you guys some stuff for the summer,But to say it's  going to blow up is funny to me. I mean I guess I don't have that HUGE Ego thing most designers have. I let my art speak for it's self and I let the rest of you say how you feel about it.I been working on this dress for Barbie and I have to say I like it   Love it.
I been fighting to keep the vision I want on the dress and It's been kinda funny that other designers(Cough *Gucci*) have been trying to get Barbie to make me change the look of my dress.They say it "Looks better then ours and will not flow right' Well I love to hear that and that mean I did my job. I want to Beat the best and out do the best so for them to say that I'm upstaging them,Is like the Student beating the Master ? Anyway Show on the 27th. But you already knew that.

See Why I dislike Gucci ? ha!

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